Junior Programme Co-ordinator: Hugh Williams (haswilliams1000@hotmail.com)
Youth/Adult Co-ordinator: Michael Graveston (mn.ka.graveston@xtra.co.nz)
Coaches: TBC
2017 Subs: TBC
2017 Summer Hockey (Pre-Christmas Competition):
Avon/St. Michael’s is one of the few clubs who enters teams into the Canterbury Hockey run Summer Hockey Competitions.
This is social, 6-a-side hockey which is played at Nunweek Park with an emphasis on fun games. We welcome anyone into the programme, being current Avon/St. Michael’s players, players from other clubs, or new players.
We are entering teams in the Yr. 3-4 grade, Yr. 5-6 grade, Yr. 7-8 grade, Youth Grade and Adult grades.
The programme starts on the Monday and Tuesday of the week starting 30 October 2017 and ending the week of 4 December 2017.
Some general points:
• Games are 12 min halves. No practices.
• Teams are mixed each week (where more than one team is entered in a grade), although players can play with friends
• Coaches provided to all teams.
• Teams are mixed gender.
• No hitting or lifting the ball (sweep hitting ok).
To register, email Hugh or Mike using the above details.